TECHNOVERSUM @ ISE2025. Between progress and reality

Technology is accelerating exponentially, and that is a fact. ISE once again confirms this to us, just as the fair itself, with its 2025 edition, reconfirms its position as one of the most authoritative voices in the specific segment and increasingly rooted in the concept of “connection.” The slogan this year says exactly that: CONNECTION RESTORED.

Technology is accelerating exponentially, and that is a fact. ISE once again confirms this to us, just as the fair itself, with its 2025 edition, reconfirms its position as one of the most authoritative voices in the specific segment and increasingly rooted in the concept of “connection.” The slogan this year says exactly that: CONNECTION RESTORED.

Undeniably, technology is one of the most tangible expressions of human progress, an extraordinarily defining expression. In fact, this is precisely what it’s about: pushing the boundaries of the ordinary by treading the paths of creativity and ingenuity to make the experience of life smoother and more enjoyable. It is certainly no coincidence that the inspiring trend is growing towards biological engineering and the complex system of functional interconnections upon which life builds its foundations. But there is also a strong tendency to focus on emotions and creativity, the essence of human evolution.

This year, our network LightSoundJournal and IntegrationMag chose to pair an overview of the technical and technological state of the art with a reflection on the coherence between the offer and the goal, and how this translates into the real world. We did this by meeting with some representatives of exhibiting companies and engaging them in a more philosophical conversation—not exactly conventional for the primary rhythms and purposes of the fair, yet well received and appreciated. A good sign.

Let’s begin with the statements, with which companies this year greeted the public, not only with great scenic appeal but by declaring a clear alignment with the deeply human dimension. We selected a few at random, among the many that, nevertheless, confirm the same trend.

#see_it_feel_it #more_to_learn #come_together #you_deserve #you_dream #bring_to_life #better_world #life_is_good #eye_to_eye #alive #free_your_experience #learning_transformation #beyond_boundaries #art_moves_you #new_is_now #true_understanding #displaying_intelligence #coexist #brighter_future #creative #more_wonderful #knowledge #creation. A collection of hashtags that, on their own, could create a fascinating narrative for the visitor’s eye. But do companies truly believe in what they say? With this provocation, we explored whether there is corporate consistency between vision and objective. What emerged seemed encouraging to us. A second good sign.
These are some reflections we gathered from it, which we offer as food for thought.

“One should not fear that AI will take away people’s jobs, rather the people who will know how to use AI.” 
ALESSANDRO SALSI, Smart Solution Director

Technology should not be viewed with distrust, nor should it be reduced to mere entertainment, pure business, or a social/entrepreneurial status symbol. More wisely, it represents a powerful integrative resource, never a substitute!, to which one should be introduced at the right time and with reliable skills, based on clear goals and pragmatism, always managed with one’s own intelligence, in order to expand the space dedicated to inalienable dimensions such as creativity, exploration, and personal well-being. These are dimensions with which we should all seriously reconnect— for survival, even before progress. In all of this, is speed still a value? Yes, for those who quickly become adept with cutting-edge technology.

“A.I. is all about hyper-personalism. And it’s happening now, whether we like it or not.
It is the best opportunity to realize a u-turn of the ratio 90/10 (meaning 90% automatic thinking and 10% creative thinking)”
JULIAN PHILIPS, Senior Vice-President. eed still a value? Yes, for those who become quickly smart on the technological cutting edge.

The hyper-personalization enabled by AI should be seen as an intelligent support that facilitates – not replaces! – one’s individual actions. The famous 90/10 ratio – 90% of personal time spent in automatic thinking mode, with only the remaining 10% in creative thinking mode – which sociologists use to describe the current state of global life standards, could find in AI a real opportunity to easily reverse this trend. It offers the potential to create ideal conditions where the individual can dedicate most of their time and resources to creativity and personal well-being, while allocating only a minimum to basic routines. A way out, if you will, of the standardization trend that, at least up to now, has threatened to flatten the diversity and uniqueness of personal expression – values we are finally starting to recognize as inescapable.

“Working frictionless rather than faster for us means more connection between the physical and digital realities.
So, the performance not only amplifies the quality of the outcome but also that of the individual experience.”
UMUR CAKO, Account Executive, Europe – Appspace

Technology-based connectivity, which enhances functional performance in everyday life, increasingly takes the form of brain-mirroring: the intelligent and instantaneous centralization of managing multiple needs within a complex system of specialized parts aimed at a common goal. The growing inspiration from natural engineering models offers considerable reassurance (…through instinctive pattern recognition?) and, at the same time, fuels the dream of a sustainable and, therefore, harmonious technological humanism. We can only hope it never again slips into a dangerous delirium of omnipotence..

“The most efficient communication protocol is inspired by the organic connectivity model:
a thinking unit virtually deployed from multiple operating locations, that can manage them simultaneously
in a perfectly coordinated mechanism. Like the human brain operates, since ever.”
GIUSEPPE ANGILELLO, Regional Sales Manager – Italy & Malta.

What’s still missing is a solid synaptic bridge between the producers and the users. Logic would suggest that the best candidates for this role are the specialized professionals. In other words, those who master both knowledge and action, form and function, and most importantly, possess an adequate cultural background. Therefore, professionals are capable of mediating the technological message to the user and contributing to the deployment of solutions with expertise. Taken for granted? Not at all. Without this crucial connection, the outcome remains uncertain, the true potential of technology is not properly honored, and, in light of the facts, time and resources continue to be spent on concealing or masking side effects that were not originally anticipated.

“We conceive automation as personal control. It’s how to combine human-machine
forces to achieve the most satisfaction in one’s personality expression. In a … sartorial way.”
GEORGIO GALARIS, Residential Marketing Associate.

Technological advancement is no longer driven solely by general demand, but more often by the enlightened vision of a few who are adept at gazing into the imagination, as opposed to a majority still focused on processes and protocols established in the ordinary. Therefore, it is legitimate to say that today’s technological offerings are also shaped by possibilities of action yet to be seen, and not just by ways to improve already expressed needs. The instinct for exploration remains our strongest genetic imprint.

“A.I. is pure optimized efficiency. It makes the work and learning experience comfortable
and amplify the ability to perform increasingly complex/exciting tasks”

MARCO SCHULZ, Manager Sales Engineering – HILMAR SALAC, Business Development Manager Higher Education.

The culture of technology is no different from any other cultural domain: it requires adequate time to mature in order to become effective and firmly rooted in everyday life. One cannot rush or shortcut this process, nor deviate from consistency in pursuing collective benefit without anticipating some serious challenges ahead. There is still much to learn, we agree. However, the overwhelming dizziness of information in which we are immersed calls for additional reflection on how to approach it, to carefully and precisely navigate the course.

“Supporting people in their living and working environment is a priority that can only be declined on the real interpretation of expressed needs. Starting with the highest value: comfort.” 
CARLA CONCA, Business Manager, Sales.

Connection restored? Facts will provide the response.

The expectation is that the focus within this technoversum will align with the most beneficial goal: supporting the still unparalleled technology that is the human being and his genuine progress toward higher evolutionary levels. A win to the nth degree.

Meanwhile, let’s #take_it_ISE!


Patrizia Stella De Masi
IntegrationMag Contributor
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