Patrizia Stella is an architect with over twenty years background experience in the field of architectural lighting, along with studies in literature, philosophy and science. She has a strong passion for aesthetics, and she’s always on the pursuit of innovative ways to express the emotional dimension of life.
During her studies, she has travelled several times in England and America. While attending a course at the School of Architecture in Waterloo, Toronto, she approaches Alvar Aalto‘s concept of architecture built around light, and Kevin Lynch’s theory of urban sensorial analysis, which boost her up to define her peculiar professional direction.
The carrier as lighting designer starts officially before the degree in Architecture and Urban planning, with the elaboration of a lighting proposal for the Rotary Club in Osimo, entitled “Costellazione Osimo”: the concept consists in generating a nocturnal constellation of bright urban excellences connected by luminous paths. The experience was so convincing that she decided afterwards to pioneer her final thesis by conceiving the urban lighting masterplan for the city of Ancona, where she mostly anticipates all the instances that have now become her lighting design signature.
Entangling her eclectic studies of urbanism and lighting with the passion for theatre and sociology, she has conceived a groundbreaking concept of lighting design named TEATRI URBANI. This step has marked her blueprint as a lighting designer: afterwards she has defined five more innovative formats – K NOW, LIGHTENGINE, NJOY, PHOENIX and HUMAN – that cover all the main fields of application of lighting, with an unprecedented approach. In 2015 she founds the design brand PHOTONIKA, together with Walter coming from the entertainment lighting world; they started an exciting adventure, where experimentation, innovation, aesthetic and also science are the solid pillars.
In 2006 Patrizia Stella has participated in the founding of AILD, the Italian Association of Lighting Design, which embrace all the main categories of lighting professionals and promotes some fundamental principles such as creativity, inspiration, good practices and knowledge sharing. She has been President since 2015, and is now leading a revolutionary path in order to reach the institutionalisation of the professional figure of lighting designer, within the UNI activity GL15, which is still ongoing in the final phases.
Her previous studies in medicine has sharpened her attitude to explore deeply the scientific nature of light and lighting. She is very attentive about the impact of light and lighting on people and the surrounding environment as much as of aesthetics and purpose coherence. Furthermore, she has started a path of independent research which led her to elaborate a revolutionary scientific theory on which base she has designed a brand new lighting protocol applied to a unique lighting technology, called the PHOTONIKA CODE.